Changing careers? High paying careers post covid (July 2021)

2 min readJun 29, 2021

The pandemic has changed us in every way possible. Career’s thought to be high paying and stable before aren’t just cutting it anymore. Want a future-proof career before the next pandemic arrives? Read more to find out.

Healthcare Management

We witnessed the downfall of the very best healthcare systems around the world due to the coronavirus at some point. So we had the resources, we had the manpower, then why were our healthcare systems still overwhelmed? Short answer: inefficient management.

Prior to covid, healthcare management was reserved for people in the industry. However, there is a reason why managers and medical practitioners are two different professions. People realized the mismanagement and inefficiency during this pandemic and the demand for better managers and consultants in the health industry has been growing since.

It not only pays well(Median annual pay of $104,280) but estimations predict the growth of 32 percent from 2019 to 2029, much faster than average for other occupations.

Source: US Department of Labour Statistics

Public Policy

Pandemic exposed the flawed public policies of governments around the world. There was an urgent need to change/modify major policies as the pandemic grew and affected millions. From covid relief settlements to vaccination programs, ordinary citizens have realized how inefficient certain policies of their countries are. And not only the governments, the corporates too faced this.

Good and efficient public policies are going to be the major highlights of the next elections which is why governments are going to betting big on this. It will result in the generation of a lot of opportunities in this and related fields.

Financial Planners

Businesses, People, Governments, all were financially hit by the pandemic in some way. Businesses closed down, personal savings wiped out, insufficient funds are the needles in the haystack of financial problems this pandemic brought. Could this have been totally prevented? No. But could much of this have been prevented? Absolutely.

Many of the businesses that survived had some sort of financial preparedness. Financial planners usually help by strategizing plans to attain long-term financial goals. However, they also prepare you to face any unprecedented liabilities or situations like this. No one wants to face the 2020 situation again, so preparedness is the key. Due to this, financial planners are going to be in huge demand as economies stabilize.

